The one thing I love the most about being a millennial is the freedom that we are able to create for ourselves by working online. Many millennial entrepreneurs are taking the leap from the traditional 9-5 to location independent positions. We are opting out of traditional universities and investing instead in courses that teach us the skills we want and need to build the lives of out dreams. Many of the courses offered online are created for millennials by millennials, and some are not. Having so many courses available can be a blessing and a curse. If you are working hard to become an entrepreneur, having so many courses available to you can be the cause of the shiny object syndrome. Shiny object syndrome is what happens when we want to purchase every new course that comes out because it's the next best thing. It causes us to become easily distracted which can delay out goals and dreams. Believe me, I've been there. I know it's easy to want to take every online course you come across, especially when you're not confident in your skills. Today I want to help you decide on what courses you should take so that you don't delay your dreams any longer. Below I'll show you How to Decide If You Should Purchase an Online Course by answering a few simple questions.

How to Decide if You Should Purchase An Online Course

1. Why do I need this course?

Understanding your why for any situation is powerful. Before you buy a course online, take a moment to consider why you want to.  Asking yourself this one question will likely cut the list of courses you want to take in half.  Asking yourself why will keep you from becoming a serial course buyer. It will keep you from avoiding to act on your plans. Your why should align with the goals you have set for yourself. If you why does align with your goals then you will find that your goals will only be better because of the course you are planning to take

2. How will I see return on investment?

When considering buying a course online you should consider whether or not you will see a return on investment. You want to really put some thought into what this course will teach you that you will later be able to use to not only better yourself, but to make a profit for yourself. How will you be better after taking the course you are considering purchasing? You will also want to consider if the course price is worth it to you? Will it break your budget? Is the service being offered worth the price being paid?

3. What skills will I gain?

Before buying a course, make sure you know what skills you will be gaining. If you are not learning a new skill then ask yourself how you will build on your current skill set. You can also consider what new perspective you will be gaining on that may shed new light on the way you do things.

4. How much time do I have to devote? 

Courses take time to complete and time will need to be devoted to implement your new skills. Before clicking the purchase button find out if you will have lifetime or limited access. Find out if you will have access to upgraded versions of the program. If the course is limited find out how long you will have access to the course. For both a limited and lifetime courses find out what materials will be provided to help in your implementation of new skills you will be learning. 

5. How much work is required?

It is important to know the time required to complete the course, but you also need to be honest with yourself about how much work you are willing to do. Will you be disciplined enough to complete all course work required in order to get the most out of the experience?  

6. Is the content offered in the way I learn best?

This question is all about format and delivery. We all learn differently. That's why it's a good idea to know what format the course or program you are will be taking is offered in. If you are a visual learner then you want to make sure that you will be catered to. Find out if your program will be delivered using mixed media. Also consider if the program is offered one on one or by group. This will be especially important if building relationships is important to you. Ultimately, the program needs to be a good fit for you.

7. Is this my tribe?

If relationship building is important to you then you will also want to know if the course you are about to join is filled with the kinds of peers you will want to learn from and grow with. Ask yourself, is this my tribe?

8. How much contact will I have with creator of the course?

In school were you the type that liked to stay after class for extra help from your teachers? If so then you will want to find out how much access and contact you will have with the creator of the course. If you will have direct, individual, or group contact with the course creator then you will want to find out how the communication will take place. Will there be group calls? Communication by email? Or communication via Skype? This is something you will want to know upfront. 

What online course are you considering taking and why?